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Where to invest your money in 2020? the financial investments of choice!

While the health crisis caused a collapse in global economic activity in 2020 that led to a surprise recession, here is an overview of the financial and real estate investments you should focus on in 2020 to improve your assets.

Discover the importance of saving and investing your money, the various risk-free investments for investing in the short term in the shelter of inflation, the medium to long term investments that allow you to benefit from additional income, but also long term investments that allow capital to develop over time, paying particular attention to diversification, both geographically and by asset class. You will also find our advice dedicated to young workers who wish to invest and our overview of the various financial intermediaries that will allow you to make all your investments.

How do you invest your money to develop your capital?

Anyone entering the workforce and starting to earn a living should immediately adopt two habits: saving and investing. In fact, it is advisable that, once you can save a little money, you invest your money well. This way, you won’t lose in purchasing power, your investment also needs to be above inflation. You will be able to increase your capital over time and the several tens or hundreds of pounds you save each month will become thousands of pounds over the years, thanks to the regularity of your savings and the magic of the capitalised interest, interest. By earning interest, you will benefit from this snowball effect.

Saving and investing will therefore allow you to finance all your projects in the medium, short and long term, from financing your next holidays to your retirement, including your children’s studies or your second home.

Therefore, we understand the interest of investing.

But you may be wondering where to invest your money. What means should you prefer to invest your money? How to invest your money in Britain? In this article, discover the different investments that will allow you to invest your money to get rich and thus achieve all your financial goals.

How to invest your money in times of crisis?

The current rather bleak macroeconomic circumstances should make you wonder how to invest your money in times of crisis. Indeed, it is quite legitimate to ask, and in the light of the current economic crisis, where to invest your money in 2020. Where to invest your money now?

The economic crisis, and especially when it is a major recession like the one we should experience in the coming months, makes investors extremely cautious. However, economic cycles follow one another and, if it is necessary to be alert, the crisis also represents an opportunity for an investor who can then position himself in various markets (equities, real estate, raw materials, etc.) at the lowest levels. and therefore benefit in the long term from the price increase.

The investment instructions we provide in this article are perfectly adapted to investment in times of crisis. Find out how to invest your money in 2020 and where to invest your money today, with our summary of investments to consider.

Do you wonder where to invest your money without risk and how to invest your money without risk? For each investment mentioned we will inform you of its degree of risk so that you can make the investments that best suit your risk profile.

Are you wondering how to invest your money in the short term and are you looking for capital guaranteed investments that ensure you find your savings intact at all times? The challenge will be to find principal-guaranteed investments that protect your assets from inflation. Therefore, the published interest rate must be higher than the inflation rate announced by INSEE and updated regularly.

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