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Posted By Liam Brady Posted On

What do you invest in to make money?

Investing to make money quickly and easily means making the best decisions and sometimes even taking big risks. But by acting intelligently, you can make a lot of money with any of the following niches.

The stone business is a booming area that it is absolutely necessary to take advantage of to make more money. However, you must know how the real estate industry works so that you do not have to make investments that will bring you practically nothing.

You won’t necessarily need an advisor or professional to support you in your investment: a simple self-study will be enough to arm you with the skills needed to succeed. You will be able to save money and at the same time benefit from the interest this investment will earn you.

There are two possibilities available to you, if you want to invest in real estate: an investment in the new or an investment in the old. Depending on your choice, you will benefit from certain advantages offered by the State, but also from the possibility of renting out more quickly.

Investing in new real estate will give you many more discounts, but it is not always the best investment. The old one can sometimes be more beneficial to you in that it can be more profitable for you in the long run.

When it comes to renting, the old one will be much cheaper than the new one, so it will be more likely that the old one will have tenants. In addition, the work you do in the old one will be tax deductible. Of course you will earn much more by investing in the old one, but it also depends on your location.

This is why it is important to start by doing market research to identify the areas most likely to generate revenue quickly.

Real estate investment is one of the only investments that offers the possibility of self-financing. This self-financing is done by means of the leverage effect, that is to say, you apply for a loan and the income you will receive will be used to repay your loan, including interest, taxes, fees, etc.

Plus, you’ll always have a few extra pounds for your personal expenses every month. Once your loan is fully paid off, you will be able to fully enjoy your rentals.

You can invest in the stock market

Anyone can invest in the stock market, even if they are new to it. Investing in the stock market involves several risks that are sometimes worth taking. However, if you want to get rich, you have no choice but to take some risks anyway.

In general, it is better to invest immediately after a fall, buying after a fall can save you a lot. The problem often arises during the sale. Because it is not always easy to know when is the most ideal time to sell.

Since this investment niche is quite complex, it must first undergo extensive training. The other option would be to have the assistance of a professional in the field, but bear in mind that this will generate additional costs.

In fact, this professional will face the same difficulties as you, so it is not excluded that you can make the best decisions yourself. To do this, you should try to train from a virtual portfolio in Boursorama and many other sites for example.

You also have the option of opening a Plan d’Epargne en Actions ( PEA ) which will require a very small amount and after five years of opening, you will be able to enjoy enormous tax advantages.

In addition, you can open a life insurance account and place trackers in these accounts that will follow the largest capitals in the market. You will therefore have all the information from the various stock exchanges at your disposal, enabling you to know when to invest on the stock market.

You can invest in SCPI

A Société Civile de Placement Immobilier (SCPI) is a good way to earn money to make ends meet. You can therefore buy shares in SCPI, and the companies in charge of renting the property must reimburse you for the rent every month.

The SCPI are companies that do this for rent, whether housing, offices, shops, etc. You have the possibility of benefiting from the leverage effect, i.e. of buying your SCPI on credit. The leverage effect will allow you to repay this credit without having to touch your personal income.

This investment can sometimes be risky because you won’t always be sure of having tenants, but the REITs take care of finding them for you. To reduce your credit (if you make this investment with the help of a loan), you can add your personal contribution.

If you have the means, you can use them for your investment and, therefore, you will hardly have credit to return.

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